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There are different forms of native advertising: sponsored content –

We have to really connect with users in the advertising space, otherwise we will be out of business. ” Unlike traditional and other invasive forms of advertising, native advertising attracts the attention of consumers more effectively because of the way in which this content is presented. The content of such ads is less noticeable.

 At the same time it contains very useful

And productive information for consumers. Because of this, they are more likely to engage consumers and be shared on social media, thus increasing their morocco phone number library reach. Consumers who are exposed to this type of advertising form a positive image of the brand being promoted, and at the same time express a greater likelihood of buying the products and/or services of that brand.

Although users are generally aware


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that native ads are just another form of advertising, research shows that these ads still have a greater impact on consumer behavior. Native ads show higher efficiency, as well as a higher rate of visits, i.e. clicks on the ad. Also, they fit perfectly into the context in which they appear and are more likely to attract the user’s attention.

Types of native advertising  content created and published

By someone independent of the brand itself. With the aim of promoting the brand usinghad been infectedon popular blogs, social networks and the like. Hide some successful experiences display ads – display ads whose content fits into the environment in which it is publish search results – ads that appear base on keywords as part of the search results; recommended content.

Mainly refers to links on a web page

The recommendation of certain content that is closely related to that of the already visited page. In addition to these forms of covert advertising, there are many other innovative ways of advertising, such as sponsored listings and product placement.

Classified ads typically appear in digital media


Social media, and various blogs and platforms. The goal of the campaign also determines the method of advertising. That is, the choice of the form of native cmo email list advertising that will most effectively respond to the needs of the campaign. Why use native advertising? Hidden ads do not appear in space and content that is not relevant or related to the content of the ad itself. These ads are show to users who. By visiting a certain page, reading certain content or searching for certain words. Have already expresse an interest in the type of content that appears on the ad itself.

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