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What are your best performing pieces

This new experience is powered by data from both Search Console and Google Analytics.” landing_page_phone_v3 photo from Google Image Source: Google The Benefits of Search Console Insights Aside from the benefits I’ve already mentioned above, Search Console Insights Aims to answer these questions for publishers and content creators:  of content? How are your new pieces of content performing? How do people discover your content across the web? What are your site’s top and trending queries on Google Search? What other sites and articles link to your site’s content and did you get any new links? Most of these questions are answered using a specific page’s number of Pageviews and the Avg. Page View Duration that users generate during visits to your pages.

They’re also able to show you the channel

that the users came through to find your pages (organic, direct, and referral) and which top queries are used to find your website on Google. Lastly, they show data on how well links from other websites performed (pageviews and avg. page view duration that was generated from users clicking on links pointing to your website). This also applies to Social Media channels, which I’ve mentioned earlier. How to Use Search Console Insights It’s currently on closed beta, which means only a select few publishers and content creators are testing it out as of the moment. You can check the emails that you use for your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts to see if you’re one of the few that can test it out.

We experienced something interesting

regarding Search Console Insight though. Since we have clients that share their GA and GSC access to us since SEO Hacker is their SEO provider, we have one client that’s currently invited for the closed beta testing, but the problem is, we only have minimal access to their Google Analytics account. So, if this happens to you, this is what you’ll be seeing: Search Console Insights screenshot We had trouble finding which specific website we’re handling had access to the closed beta feature since we didn’t receive the email invitation for closed beta testing. If you’re experiencing the same situation, just click on Learn how to get access and click on see your existing properties in the Search Console part and a new tab will open with the specific GSC property showing up.

Search Console Insights see existing properties

screenshot Content Marketing is a world in itself. For content to win the hearts of its audience, you need to consistently pull people into that world of stories you share with a purpose. Content needs to have the ability to be an enigma, subtle but aggressive. One of the things you could do to achieve this is to listen to the pulse of your audience and you can do that by taking advantage of data you can see through their searches. Trend data helps you see what people are interested in during a certain period of time. Knowing how the keywords you have in mind fare in terms of interest over time will definitely help you achieve wins through your content.

Fortunately, you can use a handful of

tools that can let you do this  cayman islands phone number library and more. Direct Strategizing in Content Having a tool that can help you target specific terms and direct approaches to content marketing can help you a great deal. You see many articles about content strategies but some of them are just going to lead you astray since you will find that their methods just go in circles with no direct-to-the-point goal. In collaboration with SEMrush, I was given the opportunity to try out their tool, so I can test its capabilities for my clients. Rest assured that this is my own opinion and in no way paid by the said team.

Since I am writing about trend data

here, I went on over to SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool. Here is a preview: semrush keyword trends As you are presented with tons of choices for keywords, you can also magnify a specific term so you can see its trend data and other pertinent features. Once you click on a particular keyword, the tool will take you to this dashboard: semrush trend data The nifty tool is the perfect partner for content marketing since you have many options to choose from in terms of the keyword choices that you have in mind. The keyword variations, questions, and related keywords are geared towards the total volume in terms of user searches so that’s a plus if you are looking to find out how people are gaining interest in relation to your content.

This helps you widen your approach to

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content and how you can market it  leave your comment below accordingly. Their trend data is found in the upper right corner of the dashboard. Although it is a clear metric as seen here in the dashboard, it would be nice if the trend data can be adjusted to a chosen period of time since the existing data is for the last 12 months only. Improve your interlinking structure Having new keywords that satisfy your requirements for trends also needs for your internal link juice to be updated. Scout relevant anchor texts and edit your interlinks so that each post will supplement each other. Trend data can also help you create consistency in your content that you can do while organizing interlinks.

Site structure is important in improving

user experience so if people are  fans data comfortable navigating your site, this will translate to better reception of your content. Optimizing for BERT The BERT update is one of Google’s algorithm that targets content, specifically how authentic and conversational your content is. This is another benefit that you can get once you are mindful of trends and data pertaining to your content since knowing the data beforehand can help you form content as naturally as possible. Inserting keywords as seamlessly as possible, this is a goal that content marketers should know like the back of their hands by now. Having trend data at your disposal helps you do this and can serve as answers to your audience’s questions.

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