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This will simplify the search for customers

This will simplify the search for customers and add +1 to the loyalty bank. Recently viewed In order to create real user behavior logic and then develop an online store design based on it, write down consumer behavior scenarios. Study every step of the customer’s journey from first visiting your website to clicking the “Buy” and “Pay” buttons. The last 2 steps are also particularly important: according to research, about 30% of users add items to their cart and then leave without paying.


Why does this happen, what needs to be improved – these questions

Will be answered by studying typical  morocco phone number library scenarios of customer behavior. How long the customer spent looking for the necessary information, how much time he spent, how his stay on the website ended – all this is a storehouse of information that improves the usability of the website. Journey maps can also help you with your research. It shows all possible ways for the user to achieve a goal action.


For example, it might look like: Journey Map www.factorumn.com

Note that this is an ideal situation. In fact, everything might be different. That’s why it’s also important to use heat maps to carefully study your users’ every step. Design This would not be possible without creating a prototype of the future website. After all, designers, no matter how experienced, are physically unable to build relationships, arrange elements according to buying habits, and draw boundaries.

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Starting a design and creating a website right away means

Postponing the project indefinitely. After all, the client may make edits. If the designer corrects these blocks independently each time, drawing new are capable of by simply blocks, all deadlines will expire. This is why the order of actions is important. First, the prototype is developed and approved, then comes the design of the online store – drawing the main elements and blocks. There are several options if needed.


 Have experienced designers communicate with clients,

Delve into topics and subject areas, and analyze necessary tools and techniques. Divide and conquer. The time and energy consumption of each employee within the project. Appearance, Colors The fashionable design of an online store is characterized not by a richness of  canada email lead complex elements, but by its localization. Design creation experts are faced with the task of creating a website for people. That is, no matter how strange it sounds, make it as easy to understand and as minimally annoying as possible.

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