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This is how we are preparing our record sales for this Christmas

2023 has to break all records, and not by a little, but by a lot. That is not an optimistic thought, but a minimum requirement. The stakes are high this year, so everything has been accelerated this year: the purchase of new products, the creation of our own brands and listings, new hires, etc. We have no room for error.

Purchase of shipping products

Yesterday the boxes for sending products this Christmas arrived. In total we have bought 160 large boxes of 60x60x60 cm. In total we will have about 200 empty boxes along with another 50 that are full of product (mostly Lego). We are also full of labels to print, packing tape, filling material, etc.

We will have reinforcements in Germany sweden whatsapp number data for a week to ensure that we can ship everything that needs to be shipped in this time. They are two very experienced people who can get product out of our warehouses in record time. It will be fun to see what we can sell this Christmas. We have more product than ever waiting to be shipped to Amazon warehouses.

WhatsApp Data

Planning with the help of Jira and Confluence

Thanks to having Jira and Confluence tools at our howto structured data for advertising disposal, we have greatly improved the organization of tasks. We are working like development teams with sprints, so we attack tasks in a concentrated way. Together we pursue specific objectives and tasks in two-week periods. At the moment we are getting the productivity results that I expected.

Creating last minute listings

Based on our experience over the years, we know what we uk data have to do because we have more and more data on what is going to sell. With this growing knowledge, we can create products that have a high sales potential.

We are almost in October and September is ending with strong sales. I hope we enter October with the same momentum. We are doing well but we have to go faster.

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