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In addition, the technology allows you to configure

Each virtual machine to solve a specific problem: choose an operating system, programs, a circle of people with access rights to files, etc. So it is easier to run a game server on Windows, and do programming with an OS from the Linux family. Different teams can work on projects without interfering with the work of their neighbors. What is virtualization and how does it work? Image by Freepik. During virtualization, virtual machines (VPS) are creat in the host system (the main OS on a physical server) – software environments that operate as independent computers.

Using a hypervisor (a special program), a separate guest

OS is install on each of them, under the control of which is a set of allocat computing resources – space on a hard disk or SSD, the amount chinese canada of RAM, processor time, etc. Virtual servers do not conflict with each other due to resources and can work simultaneously. Several VPS can be locat on one physical machine, their number is limit by the server hardware resources.

special data

The business gets the opportunity to:

Manage corporate email; launch a support service with IP telephony; keep backup copies of important data; test programs and applications, etc. Types a renowne dermatology clinic of virtualization Depending on how the guest system manages resources and the role of the hypervisor in this process, several types of virtualization can be distinguish . Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth remembering when choosing a VPS for a project. Software.

The virtual machine OS sends a command to the hypervisor

Which in turn transmits it to the host system. The latter manages the resources. Software virtualization is easy to implement, it can buying house b be configur on almost any hardware. Its main disadvantage is low performance, which occurs due to a long chain of programs transmitting commands to the hardware.

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