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The most common plan us to describe

Projects is: title of work; name of the customer company; initial request; deadlines; tasks that ne to be solv; the results obtain (you can provide a link to the finish order); success indicators. In some cases, you can add items to the description such as: a detail summary of the project, giving a general picture of the tasks set and their analysis; definition, description of goals and ways to achieve them; identification of existing limitations; inclusion of reviews from grateful clients, satisfi customers.

How to format links to cases An online portfolio is a website

It can be attach as a link to your resume to any online job site. It is important to remember that an overly long link will look sloppy. If you do not want chinese canada to buy a domain, you can shorten the link using services such as click.ru, tinyurl.com. Next, you ne to check whether the link opens correctly. Where to place a portfolio Making a portfolio is half the work of finding a decent vacancy, it is important to place it on the right sites.

special data

Let’s consider a number of ways: Social networks

Links to projects can be given in VK, Odnoklassniki. It will be free, will help to declare yourself to a larger number of users, especially if you periodically a renowne dermatology clinic publish thematic information, be active in communities. When choosing a platform for placement, consider how interesting it is to potential clients, how relevant it is for visiting HR employees. Own website. IT specialists can create a resource themselves, others can resort to the help of such constructors as Tilda, WordPress.

Various exchanges for freelancers Weblancer, Fl.ru.

You can find suitable tasks there. To attract bulk lead serious clients, you can not only register on the exchange, but also attach a collection of works to your account. Common Portfolio Mistakes to Avoid It’s a shame when you spend time and effort on creating a portfolio, but it doesn’t resonate with customers.

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