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The days and weeks after the migration

There are 3 key points where you should, above all, demand validation and guarantees. During development , at the evolution points of the new project.

One thing that SEO should

Require and the company should provide is validation windows. A time after the end of each stage of the development of the new website where it can be validat that the content and the technical part follow the establish guidelines. Each project is different, but there should be several windows of this type.

There usually are, although SEO is not always includ in them

To do this, the SEO team must have access to pre-production, staging or the test version that has been creat. This access will serve to see how botim database everything is while no user, and of course, Google, can see it. This will be the time to make corrections and issue warnings.


special data


The most important of these points

Will be the approval of the latest version, the one that will actually replace the website when it is upload. Without this, making the change can be like not having any SEO on the project.

At the time of migration, where there are more set daily goals nerves and insecurities.
In SEO, migrations are hard because we don’t control what’s happening and, no matter how much you’ve validat, something always changes at the last minute. Or it turns out that production isn’t exactly the same as the version you had develop. Or some promises about the upload are broken.

At this time, coordination and validation spe are crucial

To deal with this moment, there are different safeguards that we at IKAUE demand. On the one hand, to avoid adding more stress to what already exists from the SEO side and, on the other, to avoid whatever happens, Google finding out and penalizing snbd host us in the positioning of the website.

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