Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at @fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.
Wrote 75 posts
Increase your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your messages with advertising database social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
Try it for free
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In-person workshop Social Email Marketing
Do you want to train in Email Marketing and Social Media? We have great news for you! Our Doppler Academy in-person Workshop is coming . Keep reading this post to find out how to participate.
Unity is strength
Various studies , such as the one by the renowned market research and advertising agency eMarketer, show that email marketing is the most effective promotional tool . Furthermore, 4 out of 10 buyers stated that they prefer to receive promoti cnb directory onal messages from stores by email . Interesting, isn’t it?
Given this data , what would happen if you combined the potential of email campaigns with the overwhelming power of social media? The answer is very simple: More sales and better results!
Now that you know, we invite you to participate in the Social Email Marke some things do, and zoning into your ting Workshop given by our experts from Doppler Academy . Optimize your Online Marketing actions and improve your results. Sign up now !
What will you learn?
The academic program is composed of the following 7 modules :
Module 1: Introduction to Online Marketing
New consumer habits and the participatory web.
Scope and implementation of Online Marketing.
Main Online Marketing actions.
Differences between Online Marketing and Traditional Marketing.
e-Commerce and SEO positioning.
Module 2: Protection of personal data on the Internet
Legal environment governing Email Marketing.
Legislation on the use of databases.
General provisions of Law 25,326.
Module 3: Why Social Media Marketing.