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Setting the stage for a great conquest

More and more companies are beginning to take advantage of the benefits of carrying out actions with third parties , you can do it too! Go ahead and create your own winning alliances. Below you will find a series of criteria that you should be very clear about before taking this new path.

1. Define your goals
You cannot start looking for allies if you do not know what you need them for. It is essential that you have previously determined where your company is because, for example, if you are in the growth stage, you will need to argue more about what you do. Keep in mind that when establishing a new Partnership, if your ally is more established in the market, it is possible that you will be t accurate mobile phone number list he one who gives more in the relationship.

This doesn’t mean you’re going

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A to lose, but it does mean that you’re going to target a market that probably doesn’t know the type of service you offer. Therefore, knowing what your objectives are will give you a guideline to understand what type of alliances you might need, which markets to target, and what actions with third parties could attract new clients.

2. Keep the points clear
As in any relationship, the conditions need to be clear from the start. Each interested party must know what is expected of them and what they have to give in return . This helps to maintain harmony and allows for more comfortable working while building that trust that tends to become stronger over time.

3. Similar targets

It is necessary for stakeholders to have similar audiences because th sales support can take many forms is will complement the offerings of both and the actions will provide positive results for all stakeholders.

A common mistake when starting out is to work with other brands just bec vietnam data ause they are managed by trustworthy people, even when the markets of each company are totally different.

This situation usually lasts for a short time. The losses are directly proportional to the vain efforts to stimulate future revenue, due to the lack of coherence in the value proposition of your product or service.

4. Define your audience’s Customer Journey
Each customer goes through a path that we call Customer Journey , which represents the different points of contact between our brand and the customer. This diagram allows us to review what kind of experience we are giving consumers at each of these critical moments.



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