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SEO corrections was not properly

The problem clear? At that point, many things will be question: whether the SEO is right or not, whether development has done its job well, whether the documentation was good.

The problem will really be where it was from the beginning:

The time for  plann. I’m not lying if I tell you that it is precisely because of these kinds of things that many projects, even knowing it in advance, migrate with serious SEO deficiencies. Avoid this problem and you will often save your migration.

Be clear about your commitment

what each part contributes, in order to pivot and give up what is not essential.
Another essential point that is often overlook is that the SEO project must be adaptable to the reality of the company. In most cases, for all marketing disciplines, there is more than one path to obtain the same result. It is clear that one of these paths will ig database be more perfect and safe than the rest, but it will never be the only possible path.


special data


SEOs, by default, make the mistake of designing

A single solution to a problem. That would be bad enough in itself, but many do it without taking into account the reality of the company. The same thing is propos to a website made in PrestaShop or Magento as to a custom development or WordPress. And no, they are not the same development nor do they usually have the same team behind discard unnecessary activities them, so that same solution will adapt better to some scenarios than to others. There are 2 key points that a good SEO team should be able to contribute to your migration project.

Adapting the proposals:

Both by having done the previous work of getting to know and talking with your teams, to offer them the best possible solution for them, and by presenting several options for each problem. With sufficient knowlge of SEO, we will find that there are several snbd host technical ways to approach the objectives and we must transfer all of them, not just the perfect version.

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