Home » ow to resist fake DLRs?

ow to resist fake DLRs?

What is a fake DLR?

Fake for false, DLR for delivery receipt. SMS A fake DLR is a delivery receipt that claims the message has been deliver, when in fact the carrier or aggregator has rejected it. SMS In other words, it is a deception about the delivery status of messages . SMS This technique can be used as part of a marketing campaign to offer a lower price than the 100% direct route…

SMSFor the sender, the DeLivery Receipt is a fundamental source of information on the status of the shipment. It is therefore essential for us to guarantee the reliability of our routes to offer you the most efficient service and the most transparent feback possible on on the status of your SMS .


What is the origin of this risk?

Some unscrupulous operators or aggregators , attract by the lure of profit and the idea of ​​obtaining a 100% profit on a part of their game, do not hesitate to generate fake DLR . Easy to create, fake DLR are a highly profitable business for these operators.


How are fake DLRs generat?

SMSSending or receiving a message seems like a breeze. However, before you get to your destination, the message passes through a series of intermiaries. SMS The quality of each path depends on a number of factors.

SMS Almost all messages generate two DLRs : a delivery receipt and a delivery report. The delivery receipt indicates whether the sent message was sms services accept or reject. The delivery report indicates whether the message was sent or fail and the reasons for the failure.

sms services

SMS These status updates are essential , especially when sending large campaigns.

What impact do these fake DLRs have on our business?


For you?

Fake DLRs can disrupt your traffic . SMS These fake receipt confirmations seriously affect the real performance of your campaigns. It is impossible to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of your how fast can you expect? how can you optimize? mailings without them. SMS Companies that use marketing services can receive false receipt confirmations to artificially inflate delivery and success rates, thus distorting performance reports.

The result is a loss of trust by companies in their mobile messaging service vietnam data provider, as well as financial losses due to false performance reports and additional costs to verify the authenticity of receipt confirmations, as well as pressure on the official selling prices of A2P routes .

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