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How I do in-house consulting working with client teams

I have been working remotely with companies for over six years now, taking on roles within existing teams. Even though I replace someone else from time to time, it is still a form of consulting for me because apart from operating, I am also expected to contribute my experience to improve the overall process, usability of the website, conversion, communication, etc.

I am really lucky to have seen

Large corporations and understand how they act from within. Before, when I only knew my own startup world, I always wondered telegram database users list what it would be like to work in a large company.

Well, it is mostly how I imagined it. It is another world. But there are always some basic things that could also be applied to the world of startups.

At first, what I do is listen. I try not to want to give any kind of advice during my first two weeks of a project because I still have no idea what it is about.


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Understand the needs

the organization and those of individuals. I need to know what in Germany is sometimes called the “hidden agenda” that often exists. If you a convenient way to purchase products don’t know it, you may encounter resistance where you don’t expect it.

Get to know and communicate a lot with people at the beginning. So that everyone knows who I am and what I’m going to do next.

What I like to think is that I don’t go into a company and tell them in a matter of hours and days how to do things. Nobody likes that.

I’m not smart enough

Know every detail of the company’s history, of the uk datapeople and how decisions have been made in the past. It’s dangerous to make suggestions because in another project that has been the key. Each organization is different.

I don’t like to “force the machine” either. There are times when I have a point of view that is not necessarily shared. No matter how convinced I am, I’m not going to try to impose it.

In the end, I bring new things to each project and vice versa. It’s incredible what it allows me to evolve. I also like to think that I always bring some different perspective, process, idea, etc. I like to get involved as if it were my project.

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