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GIFs are back stronger than ever in your Email Campaigns

Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time f whatsapp data ather with a keen interest in music and railroads.

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GIFs in email marketing

Animated GIFs are one of the oldest formats on the Internet. Their unbeatable ability to produce an emotional impact on subscribers makes them the ideal medium to capture attention and boost click rates . Find out how to incorporate them into your Email Marketing campaign in the following post .

What Exactly Is an Animated GIF?
An animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a repetition of images in sequence simula cnb directory  ting a moving photograph that never stops . It instantly captures attention and generates a kind of hypnotic-addictive effect for a few seconds that is impossible to avoid.

They have been around for a long time. However, they have recently in fact, less than 10% of employees  gained relevance due to their use in different formats such as memes , blog posts , etc. But… are they really beneficial in Email Marketing ? We will tell you the reasons why you should include them in your pieces !

Benefits of Incorporating Animated GIFs into your Email Marketing Campaign
Nowadays, capturing a person’s attention online for more than a minute is quite a challenge. By incorporating animated GIFs into our campaigns, we will generate an additional visual impact on the reader , helping to highlight our benefits:

Time: With the help of a graphic designer you can create an animated GIF easily and without wasting too much time on it.
Space: Present all the variety of models and colors of a particular product in a single image , saving valuable space in your email . Use this space to give the reader more visual relief or to add more content to the campaign .
Emotion: In such visual times as the ones we live in, an animated image makes the difference , generating an emotional impact on the reader and boosting the CTR ( Click-Through Rate ).

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