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Encourage engagement and give your audience control over content

To achieve email list growth, you must first maintai

n your existing list and ensure that people don’t unsubscribe. If the people who unsubscribe from your email list are equal to the people who su

bscribe, your efforts will mean nothing.

Studies show that one of the main reasons people unsubscribe from e

ail lists is a feeling of disinterest and overload. There’s a lot of content on the web today, much of it robotic. Your subscribers don’t want to receive more emails that are automated and impersonal.

So keep your audience engaged and ask for their opinio

n as often as possible. You can encourage them to interact

with your content by providing them with polls or surveys, or netherlands mobile database  commenting and sharing them. For example, you can run a poll asking for their opinions on recent events or even let them choose what topics they want to read about in future emails.

Engagement builds trust, and the best way to keep subscribers on your list is to let them trust you.

Build your brand as a thought leader and subject matter expert

People tend to trust and enjoy being associated with authority. artificial intelligence-based seo your brand is authoritative in your industry, people will talk about it and visitors will be more inclined to subscribe to your mailing list.

As a thought leader, your readers look to you as a source of industry news, opinions, and other useful information that will strengthen your brand identity and recognition. A recent study on the i

mpact of thought leadership shows that at least 51% of B2B decision-makers rely on thought leadership to make critical purchasing decisions. Holding this position in your industry will not only help your email list grow exponentially, but it will also help increase your conversions and profits.

Offer segmented email lists

People have different needs and preferences, and poten vietnam data tial subscribers may skip subscribing to your mailing list if the content doesn’t match their specific preferences. One of the most effective wa

ys to grow and maintain an email list is to offer different email subscription options that deliver targeted content based on different needs. For exam

ple, if you run a content marketing blog, you could have segmented email lists for content creation, SEO, WordPress optimization, etc. That way, a subscriber who is interested in receiving emails about

SEO can subscribe to that email list and won’t have to receive tons of emails about WordPress optimization if that’s not their topic of interest.

Offering multiple subscription options increase

s the chances that a visitor will subscribe to one of your lists, and it can also help improve your email click-through rates and ultimately your sales.

Here is an example of a segmented email list that allows subscribers to choose their preferred list.

Use Social Proof to Drive More Signups

People are like a pack of animals. No matter who or what, they always seek social acceptance. In today’s modern world, people look at the shopping behavior of other people before buying something.

For example, consider how often you’ve bought something because someone recommended it. Or how many times you’ve looked for reviews online before you bought something. If you did any of these, you were influenced by the social proof you received before you made the purchase. You made the purchase decision because you were convinced by a real person and not some marketing copy from a company.

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