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Controllers, cameras, stations are devices that allow the creat space to see a person

The first, being in the user’s hands, react to movements in reality and transfer them to the virtual plane. Various tracking systems allow you to understand what action the user is performing. Cameras plac on the helmet monitor its position, as well as the controllers in relation to other objects. The role of the stations is similar to the work of a beacon – they help determine the area of ​​action. How Virtual Reality Technology Works. Image by freepik. How VR differs from AR and XR Developers can use VR and augment reality (AR) technology simultaneously.

This approach is commonly referr to as Extend Reality

AR affects only a certain part of the overall picture through digital objects that blend well with the physical world. It is similar to applying a filter advertising database that allows the user to see something that is not really there (good examples are Pokemon Go, interactive excursions). But there is no full immersion in virtuality, unlike VR technologies, which completely immerse users in an alternative space with the help of certain attributes.

special data

The most popular devices for AR are mobile phones, tablets, special glasses

In what areas is VR actively us? Each world creat ensure that content is created in another dimension has a specific task. VR technologies are us in almost all areas of human life. Let’s consider the main directions. Gaming industry Virtuality has firmly enter the gaming industry, laid the foundation for the development of such a format as mass.

The use of VR technology enriches the user

Wwith a special experience of full immersion bulk lead in the game plot, makes the player fully involv in the action, in the full sense tears him away from reality with the help of special equipment. Micine and Healthcare Adhering to the main rule of the doctor “Do no harm”, modern doctors increasingly prefer to master new surgical techniques in the virtual space.

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