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Advertising and sponsored posts – which is more profitable?

Most people think that personal recommendations are only applicable to e-commerce sites. But this is not true. Today we will look at which large content projects use recommendations to earn more on advertising. And what should smaller projects do?

Even the most stale

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Blogger from the 2000s at least once tried to sell “sapa”. Current schoolchildren have fl accurate mobile phone number list ooded YouTube with their let’s plays, and not out of selfless love for game journalism. In short, everyone wants money. If you run a content project, you have the right, in principle.

A content project is, in theory, any media. A radio station, a site, Wikipedia, a channel on Twitch, a microblog on Twitter, a federal TV channel, and many other things. Such a project can write its own materials or publish others’. Everyone knows what unites them. The method of monetization.Advertising, actually. In order for paid publications to work, three conditions are needed: high traffic to the resource, the authority of the author’s personality, and the text itself (if the latter smells like blatant advertising, everyone will suffer, from the advertiser to the site itself).

For Google AdSense to work, practically nothing is needed except the advertising itself and traffic. Accordingly, there is less hassle with it, everything happens automatically: traffic comes, is converted into views or clicks, and the account is replenished.

Of course, there are other ways of monetization, such as information partnerships, but this is not suitable for everyone. And advertising is publicly available.

Success criterion

Yes, there is actually one. Views. This is the key difference between a content project and an e-commerce project, we wrote about this in this answer to colleagues.

The more the user sticks to the site, the better for the site owner. The longer h uk data e reads the article, looks at n . A ot one, but several articles, goes from newsletters to interesting publications. In e-commerce, on the contrary, the principle works: the faster you find the product you are interested in and pay for it, the better for the business.

In both cases, there are recommendation system . A  algorith it is also necessary to take into account: ms tfer content or products to t . A he user based on their interests. For example, on YouTube, after you finish watching one video, you will be recommended videos by the same author or related ones. Recommendations on content sites have only one goal: to keep you as a viewer, reader or listener longer. And the longer the session, the more income.

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