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SpectrumData API – a technological solution for companies keeping up with the times

API is one of those technologies without which it is impossible to imagine the work of most Internet services, applications and websites. Yes, and in general – modern life and business. API allows programs to “communicate” with each other. Through requests, the program accesses various services implemented within professional person and industry email list other services. This is how most online stores, classifieds or banking applications work.

The SpectrumData online platform implements several formats for receiving data, one of which is API. The use of this technology takes work with information in business to a completely new, more technological level.

Learn more about the SpectrumData API

When creating our own API, we struck a balance between system performance and ease of integration, and also paid serious a technological solution attention to data security issues when executing requests.

Before proceeding to receiving data, it is necessary to perform integration. It is carried out in almost any information systems of the company. Here is a far from complete list of possible options where you can “screw” our API:


  • In the CRM system,
  • In an automated car dealership management system (for example, CM-Expert),
  • In the 1C system,
  • In automated personnel management systems,
  • In the mobile application,
  • To the site,
  • In bots in messengers and social networks,
  • And even in the voice assistant.

The wide range of use of the SpectrumData API allows using data in solving a very large number of problems. The SpectrumData API helps the customer support you would expect businesses from various industries increase revenue, create new services and products, automate and optimize work with information in existing systems.

Some specific examples: Integrate car checks into a bank’s CRM system – easy ! Add an employee reliability assessment a technological solution function to an HR application – no problem ! Connect autofill for faster application processing – please !

How does SpectrumData API work?


The first step is for the user to send a request via their own information system. In response, our API creates the main product of the system, which we call a “report” for convenience. It is important for us that our clients receive the vietnam data entire volume of requested information as quickly as possible, even if there is a delay from one of the sources. Therefore, after the request, an empty report with a unique identifier is immediately generated.

SpectrumData services then send requests to data providers, and your system immediately receives a report ID. After that, the API begins to “collect” all the data in the report as it arrives from the source. At any time, your system can access the data in the report or find out the report preparation status (being generated / ready) using the ID. Previously generated a technological solution reports are stored on our servers and are always available to users.

The SpectrumData API is implemented using the REST architectural style of interaction and uses the JSON format for both input and output.


  • Maximally speeds up the process of obtaining information;
  • The obtained data can be used immediately;
  • Provides a high level of automation of business processes;
  • Convenient when working with large amounts of information;
  • Ensures data security throughout the entire transmission process from source to recipient;
  • But the most important advantage of the method is its flexibility and multifunctionality.

Solution specifics:

Of course, this method requires several important points from the client:

  • Integration requires the participation of technical specialists on the customer’s side;
  • The integration process takes some time – from one week to a month (other methods of obtaining data on the SpectrumData platform allow you to launch checks immediately after signing the contract and payment).

Thanks to its advantages and significant gains in speed, the Spectrum Data API quickly recoups the costs of integration and setup resources!

Moreover, SpectrumData programmers and technical support specialists are ready to help with API deployment: provide the necessary consultations over the phone and provide you with all the necessary documentation.

The main question is: is API data integration suitable for your particular company? The method of obtaining data to choose depends a technological solution primarily on the volume of data received. The larger the volume, the more difficult it is to process it manually. We usually recommend this method to companies if the number of data requests exceeds 1000 per month. Basically, banks, insurance companies, Internet services and applications, taxi services and large logistics companies receive data via API. However, it is not only large businesses that use it. Among our clients, there are also small companies for whom this method is more suitable than others.

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